Derek Minus is the principal trainer and developer of the Conflict Connexus program. A barrister for over 20 years he is a specialist in alternative dispute resolution methods, a nationally Accredited Mediator and court appointed Chartered Arbitrator.
Working primarily in the resolution of commercial disputes he also has extensive experience in solving inter-personal conflicts that arise between business partners, company employees and in family relationships. He is often engaged to resolve emotionally charged business or relationship disputes where there is a threat of violence.
But it is his experience as an internationally graded 6th Dan Aikido instructor of over 35 years which gave him the insight into better ways of dealing with conflict. The effectiveness of these powerfully engaging, yet radically different processes led him to develop courses in conflict resolution for organisations based on the principles of Aikido.
As a corporate executive working at a senior level with multinational companies he was always fascinated by the high level of disputation and conflict that existed between the divisions in an organisation. Now using advanced techniques and eastern methodologies, he helps people to experience how Aikido strategies can achieve more than just the settlement of their dispute but lead to the transformation of their conflict.
To read more about Derek’s dispute resolution practice, see: Dispute Resolvers