Having the power … of Acceptance

Posted by on Feb 17, 2011 in Stories of the Way

Aikido practitioner and dispute resolution author, Tom Crum, tells this charming story of the power of acceptance in his book, “The Magic of Conflict“:

My wife and I once had our early morning mediations punctuated daily by the sound of an automobile horn announcing to our neighbour that his ride to work had arrived.  I was increasingly irritated by this and one day said to my wife, “if I had powers, I’d give that guy four flat tires.”

“That,” said my wife, “is why you don’t have powers.

Her remark moved me to serious contemplation, and a few day s later I announced, “If I had powers, all I’d really do is burst his horn.”

“That’s a bit better,” she said.

Further serious contemplation.  One morning I declared, “I’ve got it! If I had powers, I’d see that his horn didn’t work in this neighbourhood.”

“That’s a bit better yet,” she said.

I was now quite puzzled, because I thought I had finally discovered the “right action.”

At last I realized, “if I had powers, I wouldn’t be distracted by that horn.”

“Yes,” said my wife.